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Koulutus / koulutus
Laura Lammi

Laura Lammi

Biology and geography teacher
Helsinki, Helsinki


Tietoja Laura Lammi:

I am an inspiring and motivated teacher with over 5 years of experience in teaching students from the age 10-18. I have a lot of experience from working in international environments and teaching EAL students. I am known for my innovative and diverse teaching methods, supporting each student in reaching their individual goals. I am passionate about improving education and building a safe, enthusiastic, and collaborative school community. This can be seen from my experiences in developing various learning and assessment materials (for both in class and online use) as well as coaching qualified teachers and teacher trainees. Currently I am seeking for opportunities where I can continue with working in the field of educational development and leadership.



Biology and geography teacher, Teacher for TOK (IB Diploma), Vietnam-Finland International School

  • Teaching biology and geography for students aged 10-18, Finnish and Vietnamese curriculum
  • Teaching Theory of Knowledge, IB Diploma
  • Mentor teacher: supporting Vietnamese and international teachers in adapting the Finnish educational approach, offering individual and group coaching to improve the teachers´ professional development, coordinating and organizing workshops, developing and improving assessment methods
  • Positions of trust: Head of the science department, coordinator of the student council



Biology and geography teacher, International school of Vantaa

  • Teaching biology and geography for students aged 12-16
  • Mentor teacher: supporting Belgium and British teacher trainees in their teaching internship
  • Positions of trust: member of the school board, coordinator of the student council



Biology and geography teacher, Bilingual program of Kuitinmäki school

  • Teaching biology and geography for EAL students aged 12-16



Biology and geography teacher, Olari school and high school

  • Teaching biology for students aged 12-19



Manager of a private education firm, Valmennustiimi Eximia

  • Responsible of administrative tasks, such as planning, marketing and executing courses, hiring and supporting teachers, evaluating the level of teaching and creating different kinds of learning material for each course
  • Improving the online learning platform used within the courses (Moodle)
  • Coordinating and organizing workshops for teachers
  • Participating in a start up project aiming to create an individualized e-learning platform for students



Biology teacher of a private education firm, Valmennustiimi Eximia

  • Teaching courses for high school students preparing for their final exams in biology
  • Teaching courses for students who were preparing for entry exams of university



University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Master of Science, specialising in teaching biology and geography



University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Basic studies of educational leadership

This degree provides the qualification to act as a principal in Finland




Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Ammattilaiset samalta Koulutus / koulutus-sektorilta kuin Laura Lammi

Eri alojen ammattilaiset lähellä Helsinki, Helsinki

Muut käyttäjät, joiden nimi on Laura

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